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Limited and Extended Care Planning Collective

The LECP Collective empowers professionals to network with solution and service providers to share best practices, directly access subject matter experts, research, training and resources; and provide thought leadership so we may continue to address the changing needs of the market.

How Not To Tear Your Family Apart: Cash Flow Concerns

By Carroll Golden on 6/14/22 9:30 AM

Proper preparation = better cash flow. Without thorough forethought and intention put into place for the future, cash flow is bound to be a concern. This excerpt dives into the specifics of what a lack of preparation results in and the cash flow measures that should be taken to prevent them.

Topics: Limited & Extended Care Planning Center

How Not To Tear Your Family Apart: Caregiving Impacts Retirement

By Carroll Golden on 6/13/22 9:30 AM

One of the most overlooked threats to retirement is when people need to either limit their earning potential in the workforce due to caregiving demands (think not taking a promotion or limiting the ability to travel), or they leave the labor force altogether because the demands of caregiving are so great. This excerpt explores the impact that leaving/diminished workforce engagement has on future retirement planning.

Topics: Limited & Extended Care Planning Center

How Not To Tear Your Family Apart: 20 Years from Now

By Carroll Golden on 5/3/22 1:37 PM

"A lack of planning has immediate consequences and possibly consequences that will reach 20 years into the future," says Golden in her new book, "How Not to Tear Your Family Apart". Golden has been bringing the concept to both financial advisors and consumers that we need to get the conversation started far sooner than anyone expects so that dire consequences do not occur that possibly impacts generations to come. 

Topics: Limited & Extended Care Planning Center
2 min read

Sen. Scott Promotes Care Planning and LTC Insurance in Committee Hearing

By NAIFA on 3/25/22 2:43 PM

Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) knows the importance of the insurance and financial services industry and the role of agents and advisors in the wellbeing of Main Street Americans. He gained much of this understanding in his pre-political career as an insurance professional and NAIFA member.

Topics: Long-Term Care Limited & Extended Care Planning Center Federal Advocacy
5 min read

Why Your Clients Should Plan for Long-term Care Sooner Rather than Later

By Fairway Independent Mortgage Corp. on 3/23/22 4:41 PM

There is and likely will always be a debate between what’s better: “optimistic” or “realistic” thinking. When it comes to retirement and aging, it’s beneficial to have both mindsets. To look forward to the enjoyment of the golden years while recognizing the need to plan ahead for rainy days.

Topics: Long-Term Care Gerontology/Aging Advanced Planning Standard of Care & Consumer Protection Limited & Extended Care Planning Center Family Caregivers Awareness
3 min read

NAIFA Thought Leaders to Be Well Represented at ILTCI 2022

By NAIFA on 3/15/22 9:23 AM

The Intercompany Long-Term Care Insurance Conference (ILTCI 2022) is taking place March 21-23 in Raleigh, NC, with sessions featuring NAIFA thought leaders and a special NAIFA networking event. The ILTCI’s annual educational conference is for representatives of the long-term and extended care insurance community and other strategic allies, including providers, public policy institutions, professional organizations, federal, state, and local government agencies, and the public. Online registration for the event is open.

Topics: Long-Term Care Press Release Limited & Extended Care Planning Center
3 min read

The Limited and Extended Care Planning Center Sounds Off!

By Carroll Golden on 2/25/22 5:18 PM

It has been critical for the Extended and Long-Term Care (LTC) Industry to weigh in on the publicly funded LTC program in Washington State (WA Cares). The industry has historically welcomed a public-private LTC option. And we are hopeful that the various state legislatures considering similar programs will embrace knowledgeable suggestions from industry insurers, business processing firms, distributors, agents, and advisors. In addition, there are proposals at the federal level that also could benefit from industry participation. 

Topics: Legislation & Regulations State Advocacy Limited & Extended Care Planning Center Federal Advocacy
1 min read

Upcoming Webinar: Tech Tools to Grow Your Long-Term Care Practice

By NAIFA on 2/3/22 12:02 PM

Whether you're a long-term care veteran or interested in expanding your practice, this webinar is for you!

Topics: Financial Planning Limited & Extended Care Planning Center Potential Partners for Advisors
3 min read

Meet Loyal NAIFA Member Angie Hughes

By Ronan Friend on 1/12/22 10:00 AM

Angie Hughes, LTCP, is a 22-year insurance veteran and long-term care insurance expert with Producers XL in Salina, Kansas.

Hughes began her insurance career selling property and casualty insurance, but found her true calling in educating agents, advisors, and consumers about long-term care (LTC) planning. “No day is ever the same,” she says, and she thrives on sorting through the complexities of the LTC world to find solutions for her clients.

Topics: Podcast Limited & Extended Care Planning Center Loyal Member Profile
1 min read

NAIFA's Diane Boyle to Provide Policy Update For NAIFA's LECP Impact Week

By NAIFA on 11/1/21 4:04 PM

Decisions made by policymakers from Washington, D.C., to Washington state are impacting the way insurance and financial professionals are helping consumers plan for their long-term care needs. NAIFA's advocacy team, working with the Limited and Extended Care Planning Center's Legislative Working Group, which consists of LECP sponsors, insurers, NAIFA members, third-party administrators, distributors, and other stakeholders, is exploring and enhancing policy positions for NAIFA through the association’s government relations capabilities as it engages directly with lawmakers and regulators. NAIFA is the only association of insurance and financial professionals making an advocacy impact at the federal, interstate, and state levels, including in every state capital around the country.

Topics: Long-Term Care Legislation & Regulations Limited & Extended Care Planning Center Federal Advocacy
