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Limited and Extended Care Planning Collective

The LECP Collective empowers professionals to network with solution and service providers to share best practices, directly access subject matter experts, research, training and resources; and provide thought leadership so we may continue to address the changing needs of the market.

5 min read

Why Your Clients Should Plan for Long-term Care Sooner Rather than Later

By Fairway Independent Mortgage Corp. on 3/23/22 4:41 PM

There is and likely will always be a debate between what’s better: “optimistic” or “realistic” thinking. When it comes to retirement and aging, it’s beneficial to have both mindsets. To look forward to the enjoyment of the golden years while recognizing the need to plan ahead for rainy days.

Topics: Long-Term Care Gerontology/Aging Advanced Planning Standard of Care & Consumer Protection Limited & Extended Care Planning Center Family Caregivers Awareness
6 min read

Why the Traditional LTC Market is here to stay - and will grow

By Tom Riekse Jr. on 4/14/21 3:30 PM

Recently I received an email from a Insurance Carrier who sells Linked Life/LTC plans with the headline "What happened to traditional LTC?".  The email started by saying "It wasn't so long age that traditional long-term care (LTC) insurance dominated the market, but now they are barely holding on while linked-benefit products are taking over."  Harsh!

Topics: Long-Term Care Advanced Planning
7 min read

The worst case scenario - is lifetime LTC Insurance worth it?

By Tom Riekse Jr. on 3/26/21 9:00 AM

Luckily, you aren't going to need years and years of high cost long-term care. But what if you did?

Topics: Long-Term Care Financial Planning Planning in Advance Advanced Planning Limited & Extended Care Planning Center

Worksite LTCI and Your Employer Clients

By ARM on 9/4/19 12:44 PM


LTCI gives employers the opportunity to reinvest recent tax savings in top employees. Learn more by watching the video below.

Topics: Long-Term Care Financial Planning Extended Care Group & Employee Benefits Tax Savings Advanced Planning Tax Benefits

Decision Tree for Stand-Alone vs Combo LTCi

By Target/Ash on 7/15/19 1:00 PM

Do your clients need help deciding between Stand Alone and Combo products? Use this decision tree to assist in their decision.

Topics: Life Insurance & Annuities Financial Planning Advanced Planning Sales & Marketing

Interview with Carroll Golden and Claude Thau - Why Buy Now?

By Target/Ash on 6/27/19 2:02 PM

 LECP Executive Director Carroll Golden discusses Lifestyle Planning with Claude Thau in detail. When should you buy LTC? What role does a client's health play in pricing?


Topics: Long-Term Care Financial Planning Extended Care Advanced Planning Sales & Marketing Prospecting

Interview with Carroll Golden and Claude Thau Discussing Self Insurance

By Target/Ash on 6/21/19 2:22 PM

Claude Thau discusses self-insuring options with LECP Executive Director Carroll Golden. This is a great option for some clients, learn how to discuss it with them through a role play example.

Topics: Long-Term Care Marketing Extended Care Funding Advanced Planning Sales & Marketing Grow Your Business

Client Needs Questionnaire

By ASH Brokerage on 6/5/19 11:00 AM

It is sometimes very effective to use a questionnaire to start the conversation about preparedness or qualifying for extended or long term care. Or, use this questionnaire with your clients to help you determine which product and design to recommend for them. ASH Brokerage has many tools so contact them for the ones that will help you to grow your practice.

Topics: Financial Planning Planning in Advance Lifestyle Planning Voluntary Benefits Advanced Planning Technology Tools Sales & Marketing
