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Don't Be Scared of Long-Term Care

Impact Day

On Monday, October 31, 2022, NAIFA's Limited & Extended Care Planning Center kicked off Long-Term Care Awareness Month on Halloween to get the message out that you don't need to be scared of long-term care conversations!

This free, day-long virtual program of interactive sessions from industry leaders addressed the scariest of topics in the long-term care arena. 

Top members of the LECP Center and Advisory Council shared what advisors and agents need to know about the present and future of long-term care.

You can view the entire agenda below and get the recordings of each presentation to watch on-demand by filling out the access form.

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Monday, October 31 | 9 am to 5 pm eastern

9:00 AM ET
Homes Are Not Mysterious Hideaways – They’re Assets!
Harlan Accola, National Reverse Mortgage Director, Fairway Mortgage
Learn how to treat the home as a sweet addition for creating a plan for LTCI. Help clients avoid the misery of being spooked by care needs.
10:00 AM ET
Why Are We So Scared of Planning for LTC?
Steve Cain, CLTC, Director Sales & Business Development Leader LTCI Partners, LLC
As advisors, we’ve read all the reports and seen all of the stats. We understand the need for LTC planning and we’re talking to our clients about this BIG issue. But are they listening? Are they taking action? What’s stopping them from addressing this issue? Join this session to learn more about the underlying client psychology that may be impacting your client & prospect conversations. We’ll also share communication strategies and best practices rooted in Behavioral Finance that can help you while presenting LTC Insurance solutions.
11:00 AM ET
Don't Be Left in the Dark
Carroll Golden, Executive Director, Centers of Excellence & Maeghan Gale, Policy Director, Government Relations at NAIFA
Some may consider what is happening with States preparing to handle the needs of an increasing number of people requiring some level of long-term care downright alarming. Others see it as a necessity. Is it a trick or a treat? Either way, information on the WA Cares Fund and CA proposed options are slowly creeping into discussions at many other states. How will this trend affect your business and your client’s lives and planning? Don’t be left in the dark about publicly funded programs.
12:00 PM ET
You Won’t Spook Your Clients
Jeff Levin, Vice President of Distribution, OneAmerica
Intriguing data coming from the recent Long-Term Care survey conducted by OneAmerica shows that consumers need and appreciate when financial professionals talk with them about long-term care. Instead of LTC being scary, it is a topic that consumers find beneficial to talk with a trusted financial professional about since they rely on people like us to help them navigate the options. Consumers indicate they prefer asset-based long-term care and are strongly drawn to the idea that premiums don’t increase and that there can be tax-free benefits. Instead of the ‘use it or lose it’ trick traditionally experienced, consumers find the treat of passing it on to their family members an appealing feature. Finally, knowing that a long-term care event will not devastate their finances and retirement will give peace of mind to your clients. Jeff Levin will unpack all the goodies of the LTC consumer study in a way that will get you wanting to knock on your neighbor’s door to initiate the important conversation of LTC.
1:00 PM ET
Don't Let LTC Bury Your Clients in Worry and Debt
Carroll Golden, Executive Director, Centers of Excellence, NAIFA
Trudging through a grueling, ominous discussion won’t take the pain out of LTC client conversations. Short of casting a spell, you need steps to follow and a playbook of options. Don’t be afraid to learn about tailor-made LTC steps and options for any budget for healthy and not-so-healthy earthly beings.
2:00 PM ET
Solutions That Won't Scare You
Kathy Kuhns, Divisional Sales Manager & Tony Massenelli, Director Long-Term Care Sales at Nationwide
Treat yourself to this question-and-answer panel with Nationwide where we will discuss why some clients are scared of Long-Term Care, the thrilling industry changes that will impact your business, and witch [which] tips work best when having the LTC conversation.
3:00 PM ET
Don’t be Spooked by Living Benefit Riders
Ramona Neal, President, Living Benefit Review
Trick or Treat? Understanding Chronic Illness and Critical Illness riders make for a well-stocked goody bag. Getting it right is a treat. But these riders can be tricky, so getting it wrong can be a horror.
4:00 PM ET
Don’t Let LTC Planning Decisions Become a Daunting nightmare
Cindy Harris, Director of Sales, LifeSecure
Long-Term Care can be horrifying if you are not prepared. Let us show how easy is it to take the scariness out of planning for LTC. There are simple decision points that make it sweet and easy for clients.


Harlan Accola

National Reverse Mortgage Director, Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation


National Reverse Mortgage Director, Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation

Harlan Accola

Steve Cain, CLTC

Director Sales & Business Development Leader LTCI Partners, LLC


Director Sales & Business Development Leader LTCI Partners, LLC

Steve Cain, CLTC


Executive Director, Centers of Excellence, NAIFA


Executive Director, Centers of Excellence, NAIFA


Meaghan Gale

Policy Director, Government Relations, NAIFA


Policy Director, Government Relations, NAIFA

Meaghan Gale

Jeff Levin

Vice President of Distribution, OneAmerica


Vice President of Distribution, OneAmerica

Jeff Levin

Kathy Kuhns, MSFS, CLTC, CBC, ALHC

Divisional Sales Manager, Nationwide


Divisional Sales Manager, Nationwide

Kathy Kuhns, MSFS, CLTC, CBC, ALHC


Kathy began her career as an agent with Northwestern Mutual and joined Nationwide in 2001 as an internal wholesaler. She continued in various roles including leadership, product implementation, and key account management. She currently leads a team of 10 wholesalers that work with advisors, agents and POS across the country.

Tony Massenelli, MBA, CLTC, CBC

Director Long-Term Care Sales, Nationwide


Director Long-Term Care Sales, Nationwide

Tony Massenelli, MBA, CLTC, CBC

Ramona Neal

President, Living Benefits Review


President, Living Benefits Review

Ramona Neal

Cindy Harris

Director of Sales, LifeSecure


Director of Sales, LifeSecure

Cindy Harris