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LHC Legislative Working Group

The LHC Legislative Working Group for Members & Supporters

NAIFA's LHC has stepped up and is offering a clear path ahead. The LHC Legislative Working Group is a cross-functional group of individuals committed to providing a strong advocacy voice for advisors, consumers, companies, and the industry.

NAIFA’s Government Relations team has pioneered a Legislative Working Group within the LHC composed of a wide breadth of industry experts, including LHC sponsors, insurers, NAIFA members, third-party administrators, distributors, and more.

The Legislative Working Group explores issues important to LHC participants and enhances NAIFA advocacy positions and government relations efforts, engaging directly with state and federal policymakers. NAIFA’s century-old strong grassroots tradition of working with Congress gives this effort an especially powerful opportunity for our industry to be heard.

For more information about this group and how you can get involved, please contact Carroll Golden, executive director of NAIFA's Centers of Excellence at cgolden@naifa.org.