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Limited and Extended Care Planning Collective

The LECP Collective empowers professionals to network with solution and service providers to share best practices, directly access subject matter experts, research, training and resources; and provide thought leadership so we may continue to address the changing needs of the market.

1 min read

Loyal NAIFA Member Louis Brownstone Featured in Broker World

By NAIFA on 3/15/22 1:28 PM

Loyal NAIFA-CA member Louis H. Brownstone, CLTC, proposes a new solution for long-term care insurance planning in a recent Broker World article. Brownstone is the owner of California Long Term Care Insurance. A NAIFA member since 2007, he is the Government Relations/APIC IFAPAC Chair for NAIFA-San Francisco Peninsula and a NAIFA Financial Security Advocate.

Congratulations, Louis. We're #NAIFAproud of your commitment and dedication to our industry.

Topics: Long-Term Care Retirement Planning Financial Planning Planning in Advance Membership
8 min read

Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) Loan: What You Need to Know

By Fairway Independent Mortgage Corp. on 2/16/22 12:51 PM

While there are several different types of reverse mortgages, most reverse mortgage loans today are HECMs—the only reverse mortgages insured by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA). 

Many financial professionals now consider today’s HECMs to be an important and effective tool (when used within a comprehensive financial plan) to help improve retirement outcomes for their older-adult homeowner clients.

Topics: Retirement Planning Financial Planning Planning in Advance Retirement Reverse Mortgages Financial Literacy Potential Partners for Advisors
3 min read

The Importance of Long-Term Care Planning From an ER Doctor’s Perspective

By NAIFA on 9/3/21 1:15 PM

As an emergency medicine physician for 20 years, including the past 12 years working in a large, level 1 trauma center, Dr. Monica Williams has seen innumerable patients and families facing long-term care challenges. As the Medical Director for Advance Care Planning and End of Life Education for the third-largest community-owned hospital system in the United States, she has spent a portion of her career talking to doctors about how they can have effective advanced medical planning and end-of-life conversations with patients and families.

Topics: Long-Term Care Financial Planning Planning in Advance Webinar Potential Partners for Advisors
6 min read

Why Single Pay LTC Insurance Might be the Right Strategy Now

By Tom Riekse Jr. on 4/29/21 10:30 AM

The recent stock market run (especially in tech stocks) has been amazing. Despite the high unemployment rate, many investors are enjoying that feeling of increased net worth in both their qualified and non-qualified money.

Topics: Long-Term Care Life Insurance & Annuities Planning in Advance
6 min read

How low interest rates are changing LTC Insurance products

By Tom Riekse Jr. on 4/22/21 1:00 PM

The last several years have seen major changes in LTC Insurance - leading to what can be referred to as LTC 2.0.  LTC 2.0 means that while the pure protection of traditional LTC insurance is still a popular option, there has been an accompanying growth in Hybrid LTC + Life plans - both in number of policies sold and number of carriers offering these plans. 

Topics: Long-Term Care Life Insurance & Annuities Planning in Advance
3 min read

New Premiums Increasing on Hybrid Life + LTCI Plans

By Tom Riekse Jr. on 3/30/21 2:00 PM

Many clients find that the best way for them to plan for LTC is by purchasing a linked life/ltc plan.  Compared to traditional LTC policies which provide pure long-term care protection (and the most LTC protection per premium dollar) linked Life/LTC trade off some of that leverage to provide guaranteed premiums and a life insurance benefit.

Topics: Life Insurance & Annuities Planning in Advance Limited & Extended Care Planning Center
7 min read

The worst case scenario - is lifetime LTC Insurance worth it?

By Tom Riekse Jr. on 3/26/21 9:00 AM

Luckily, you aren't going to need years and years of high cost long-term care. But what if you did?

Topics: Long-Term Care Financial Planning Planning in Advance Advanced Planning Limited & Extended Care Planning Center

Corporate Resolution Example

By ARM on 1/10/20 10:41 AM

View a sample of a corporate resolution.  For the full version of the document, please contact ARM.

Topics: Long-Term Care Planning in Advance Group & Employee Benefits
1 min read

Webinar: The Surprising Similarities Between Traditional LTC and Some of the New Life/LTC Plans featuring Tom Riekse

By NAIFA on 8/5/19 1:05 PM

There are many misconceptions among consumers and advisors about both traditional LTC and Linked Life/LTC Plans. This webinar will discuss how the new combination Life/LTC plans can be very similar to traditional LTC plans and visa versa. Learn about the list of similarities between how the products work, the three key differences between the types of products and why meaningful benefits can be affordable for a wider consumer market.

Topics: Planning in Advance Lifestyle Planning

Ash Brokerage offers keys to communicating Care Plans to family members

By ASH Brokerage on 7/22/19 8:30 AM

Ash Brokerage/Target Ins. know it can be challenging to start “that” conversation. When discussing extended care need preparations, it is important to consider the impact that your client’s care plans could have on the entire family. Advisors can guide clients by  anticipating the children's concerns and helping clients prepare to address them. This flier offers common objections, and ways to answer them. Contact Chad Eyrich directly for more information by going to LECP.NAIFA.ORG/ subscribe. 

Topics: Long-Term Care Planning in Advance Sales & Marketing Prospecting Grow Your Business Consumers
