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Limited and Extended Care Planning Collective

The LECP Collective empowers professionals to network with solution and service providers to share best practices, directly access subject matter experts, research, training and resources; and provide thought leadership so we may continue to address the changing needs of the market.

Carroll Golden

Recent posts by Carroll Golden

How Not To Tear Your Family Apart: Things That Bring Joy

By Carroll Golden on 6/17/22 9:30 AM

Life can be unpredictable and challenges will arise. We cannot always control our circumstances, but we can control our perspective and what we focus on. Choosing to see the good in bad or hard situations is what will make the ultimate difference in the long run. The CPT (Care Planning Team), is an important resource regarding this. They help individuals get back on track in their lives and continue that joy perspective.

Topics: Limited & Extended Care Planning Center

How Not To Tear Your Family Apart: What Can You Grow?

By Carroll Golden on 6/16/22 9:30 AM

Long-term growth requires long-term planning. Reduction in taxes, fewer fees, more savings, and exponential growth, are all factors of long-term planning. A long-term care funding plan was also created which increases success in these areas and is an option for those wanting to be smarter with their finances.

Topics: Limited & Extended Care Planning Center

How Not To Tear Your Family Apart: Cash Flow Concerns

By Carroll Golden on 6/14/22 9:30 AM

Proper preparation = better cash flow. Without thorough forethought and intention put into place for the future, cash flow is bound to be a concern. This excerpt dives into the specifics of what a lack of preparation results in and the cash flow measures that should be taken to prevent them.

Topics: Limited & Extended Care Planning Center

How Not To Tear Your Family Apart: Caregiving Impacts Retirement

By Carroll Golden on 6/13/22 9:30 AM

One of the most overlooked threats to retirement is when people need to either limit their earning potential in the workforce due to caregiving demands (think not taking a promotion or limiting the ability to travel), or they leave the labor force altogether because the demands of caregiving are so great. This excerpt explores the impact that leaving/diminished workforce engagement has on future retirement planning.

Topics: Limited & Extended Care Planning Center

How Not To Tear Your Family Apart: 20 Years from Now

By Carroll Golden on 5/3/22 1:37 PM

"A lack of planning has immediate consequences and possibly consequences that will reach 20 years into the future," says Golden in her new book, "How Not to Tear Your Family Apart". Golden has been bringing the concept to both financial advisors and consumers that we need to get the conversation started far sooner than anyone expects so that dire consequences do not occur that possibly impacts generations to come. 

Topics: Limited & Extended Care Planning Center
3 min read

The Limited and Extended Care Planning Center Sounds Off!

By Carroll Golden on 2/25/22 5:18 PM

It has been critical for the Extended and Long-Term Care (LTC) Industry to weigh in on the publicly funded LTC program in Washington State (WA Cares). The industry has historically welcomed a public-private LTC option. And we are hopeful that the various state legislatures considering similar programs will embrace knowledgeable suggestions from industry insurers, business processing firms, distributors, agents, and advisors. In addition, there are proposals at the federal level that also could benefit from industry participation. 

Topics: Legislation & Regulations State Advocacy Limited & Extended Care Planning Center Federal Advocacy
2 min read

The Limited and Extended Care Planning Center Sounds Off!

By Carroll Golden on 10/1/21 3:45 PM

It would be an understatement to say that it is critical for the extended and long-term care (LTC) industry to weigh in on the Washington State legislation that creates a publicly funded LTC program. The industry has historically welcomed a public-private option and we are hopeful that the various state legislatures contemplating instituting publicly funded programs of their own will embrace knowledgeable suggestions from insurers, business processing firms, distributors, agents, and advisors. At the federal level, there are proposals that would also benefit from industry participation.

Topics: Long-Term Care Legislation & Regulations State Advocacy Federal Advocacy
