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Limited and Extended Care Planning Collective

The LECP Collective empowers professionals to network with solution and service providers to share best practices, directly access subject matter experts, research, training and resources; and provide thought leadership so we may continue to address the changing needs of the market.

It has been critical for the Extended and Long-Term Care (LTC) Industry to weigh in on the publicly funded LTC program in Washington State (WA Cares). The industry has historically welcomed a public-private LTC option. And we are hopeful that the various state legislatures considering similar programs will embrace knowledgeable suggestions from industry insurers, business processing firms, distributors, agents, and advisors. In addition, there are proposals at the federal level that also could benefit from industry participation. 

NAIFA’s Government Relations team and the Limited and Extended Care Planning Center (LECP) have created a Legislative Working Group. This group comprises a wide breadth of industry experts, including LECP sponsors, insurers, NAIFA (National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors) members, third-party administrators, distributors, and more. The working group is divided into six purposeful working subgroups and tackles big industry topics, including;   

  1. The State Initiatives Subgroup reviews the wins and challenges from the WA Cares Trust. In addition, they are working to establish guidelines on best practices recommendations for public and private stakeholders.  
  1. The Federal Initiatives Subgroup will review the pros and cons of the Wish Act and other federal LTC funding proposals. 
  1. The Publicity and Social Outreach Subgroup will work to change the narrative concerning consumer and regulatory views and understanding (or lack of) about extended and LTC issues. 
  1. The Product Availability and Enhancements Subgroup will review carrier product state approvals issues. In addition, they will examine how wellness and other programs can play a significant role in LTC product development and claims.  
  1. The Licensing and Education Subgroup works to gain insights to increase new agent recruitment and help foster the inclusion of extended and LTC protection products in more investment advisors and CPA planning practices.  
  1. The Technology Subgroup examines how technology may affect product creation, distribution, and consumer usage. Further, they explore how technologies before and after a sale enhance advisor/agent relationships with their current and future clients and help to grow consumer participation and interest. 

The Working Group’s tasks are to explore and enhance policy positions for NAIFA through its government relations capabilities as it engages directly with state lawmakers and regulators. NAIFA’s century-old strong grassroots tradition of working with Congress gives this effort an especially significant opportunity for our industry to be heard. This is the time for collective thinking and fruitful discussions. NAIFA and the Limited and Extended Care Planning Center are stepping up and offering a clear path ahead. NAIFA’s LECP LWG is committed to providing a strong voice for advisors and the industry.  

If you are currently a NAIFA Member, we encourage you to sign up for updates and information on these critical topics at lecp.naifa.org. If you are not currently a NAIFA Member, we encourage you to join today and add your voice to the discussion.   

For additional questions or media inquiries on the NAIFA Long-Term Care Legislative Working Group, please contact Carroll Golden, Executive Director of LECP, at cgolden@naifa.org or Maeghan Gale NAIFA Policy Director at mgale@naifa.org.

