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Limited and Extended Care Planning Collective

The LECP Collective empowers professionals to network with solution and service providers to share best practices, directly access subject matter experts, research, training and resources; and provide thought leadership so we may continue to address the changing needs of the market.

2 min read

Long and Short-Term Care Insurance: More in Common Than You Think

By Jamie Sarno on 3/10/23 2:40 PM

This article is a continuation of Jamie Sarno's series on Short-Term Care Insurance. You can read the first part of the series here.

Did you know insurance plans that cover Nursing Home, Assisted Living, or Home
Nursing Care for a minimum of 365 days or more is considered Long-Term Care Insurance? Insurance plans that cover “less” than 365 days are considered Short-Term Care Insurance. Other than its shorter duration period, STCI shares many of the same great benefits and features that you would find in LTCI.

Topics: Long-Term Care Extended Care Limited & Extended Care Planning Center Short-Term Insurance
2 min read

Highlights from Our Limited & Extended Care Planning Center Sponsors

By NAIFA on 2/23/23 10:00 AM

As part of February's I Love NAIFA Month, we are highlighting all the aspects of the association we love. We are thankful for the support of our Limited & Extended Care Planning Center partners, who give insight, advice, and thought leadership for the long-term care space.

Don't miss some of the recent content highlights from our LECP partners to help catch up on the latest trends, programs, and options in limited and extended care.

Topics: Limited & Extended Care Planning Center NAIFA Partner
2 min read

Join NAIFA at the ILTCI Conference in Denver, March 12-15

By NAIFA on 2/21/23 1:35 PM

NAIFA will join our Limited & Extended Care Planning Center (LECP) partner, ILTCI, for the 2023 ILTCI Conference in Denver, CO, from March 12-15, 2023, at the Sheraton Downtown Denver.

ILTCI’s annual educational conference is for representatives of the long-term and extended care planning community and other strategic allies, including providers, public policy institutions, professional organizations, federal, state, and local government agencies, and the public. 

Topics: Long-Term Care Extended Care Limited & Extended Care Planning Center
3 min read

Bridging the Gap: A Discussion of Short-Term and Long-Term Care

By Jamie Sarno on 2/10/23 3:05 PM

What if I told you…

“7 out of 10 people age 65 and over will need long-term care services and support at some point in their lives."

Nothing new, right?

For those of us in the long-term care industry, we know this statistic all too well. But I promise you, many people still do not understand what it actually means.

Topics: Long-Term Care Extended Care Limited & Extended Care Planning Center Short-Term Insurance
1 min read

Upcoming Webinar: An Alternative to Long-Term Care Coverage

By NAIFA on 1/25/23 11:48 AM

When long-term care insurance is not an option due to a person's health and/or finances, there may be an alternative solution to a difficult situation. Limited long-term care insurance can be an option to help during your client's time of need.

Register now for this upcoming webinar discussing limited long-term care on Tuesday, February 7 at 2 pm eastern.

Topics: Long-Term Care Webinar Limited & Extended Care Planning Center Insurance
1 min read

Buying or Selling an Agency – A Focus on Medicare

By NAIFA on 1/18/23 10:30 AM

Join Dan Mangus, VP of Growth and Development at Senior Marketing Specialists, for an Advisor Today webinar on Wednesday, January 25 at 12 pm eastern. In "Buying or Selling an Agency - A Focus on Medicare," Dan will guide you through the ins and outs of buying or selling an agency, and the top things you need to know when it comes to Medicare.

Topics: Medicare Limited & Extended Care Planning Center Insurance
6 min read

What is a Life Expectancy Set-Aside for a Reverse Mortgage Loan?

By Harlan Accola on 1/5/23 11:16 AM

Today’s reverse mortgage loans have built-in protections designed to make sure the loan is a sustainable solution for the borrower. In this article, we’ll explore what a life expectancy set-aside (LESA) is, how it helps a borrower to pay property charges, when the lender’s underwriter will require it, and why, in some situations, it may be advantageous for a reverse mortgage borrower to voluntarily opt for a LESA.

Topics: Retirement Planning Retirement Reverse Mortgages Limited & Extended Care Planning Center
5 min read

Paying for Long-Term Care: Know Your Options

By Coventry on 12/22/22 10:32 AM

The decision to move yourself or a loved one into long-term care can be a difficult one, and determining how to pay for long-term care can add unnecessary stress to a phase of life that’s already full of transitions. Understanding the costs you may encounter and developing a proactive plan to afford long-term care can help ease the burdens that accompany it.

Topics: Long-Term Care Extended Care Limited Care Limited & Extended Care Planning Center
3 min read

Take on the Worksite Market and Change the Way Employers Think About LTCi

By Cindy Harris on 12/19/22 12:18 PM

What do you get when modernized Long Term Care Insurance products meet changing workplace needs and employee attitudes? An advantageous opportunity to grow your business, reach the middle market, and help protect more families from potential LTC needs.

Worksite benefits have long been a critical tool in helping employers attract top talent. What’s changed is that more employers want a variety of products to build benefit packages that are as diverse as today’s workforce – and there’s room for LTCi in this conversation.

Sure, you’ll face some challenges from decision-makers, but clearing hurdles is nothing new for seasoned LTC professionals. Here are three common objections that you can address with employers to change the way they think about LTCi.

Topics: Long-Term Care Extended Care Group & Employee Benefits Limited Care Limited & Extended Care Planning Center
5 min read

How to Talk to Your Parents About Long-Term Care

By Cameron Huddleston on 12/9/22 9:30 AM

As your parents age, there’s a good chance they will need long-term care. According to the Department of Health and Human Services, more than half of Americans turning 65 today will develop a disability serious enough that they will need daily help with the basic activities of living. Most will need care for less than two years, but 1 in 7 will need assistance for more than five years.

As tough as it might be to imagine your parents being unable to care for themselves, the thought of discussing this possibility with them probably seems even harder. But it’s important to talk to your parents sooner rather than later to develop a plan for long-term care if they ever need it. If you wait for an emergency to strike, emotions will be running high and you’ll likely have fewer options to deal with your parents’ need for care.

Topics: Long-Term Care Extended Care Limited Care Limited & Extended Care Planning Center
