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Limited and Extended Care Planning Collective

The LECP Collective empowers professionals to network with solution and service providers to share best practices, directly access subject matter experts, research, training and resources; and provide thought leadership so we may continue to address the changing needs of the market.


Recent posts by LegacyShield

3 min read

Prepare for the Great Wealth Transfer

By LegacyShield on 3/3/21 11:07 AM

Since the inception of the computer, it has opened doors, transformed current industries, and created new ones at breakneck speed. With each new development, such as the internet, the cellphone, and the smartphone, the pace at which our society evolves has increased exponentially. The future is now, but it is also tomorrow. However, there is an interesting divide that we can actively observe between generations. 

Topics: Professional Development Technology Limited & Extended Care Planning Center
3 min read

Why Insurance Agents Should Care About Collaboration

By LegacyShield on 1/28/21 1:29 PM

Policyholders are looking for more than just a policy these days. Customers want an insurance agent who acts as their trusted advisor, collaborating with them to protect their assets and help reach financial goals. In fact, 75% of policyholders would switch insurers to get more personalized service.

Topics: Marketing Limited & Extended Care Planning Center
3 min read

The Secret to Finding More Life Insurance Prospects

By LegacyShield on 2/19/20 10:30 AM

Prospecting is, without a doubt, the most difficult and time-consuming part of the life insurance sales process. And the myriad ways we have to generate leads in our current age of virtual networking and content marketing can make it even less clear where to begin.

3 min read

Keep Your Legacy Out of the Hands of Hackers

By LegacyShield on 10/16/19 3:30 PM

By : Ashley Schopp

In July alone, there were 2.3 billion records[1] breached globally. That’s about 74 million a day, an astounding number of people to be subject to a cyber attack. Domestically, there’s an attack every 39 seconds, affecting one in three Americans a year.[2] The study that generated that statistic explains how hackers are able to levy so many attacks a day. They program software to strike large numbers of computers simultaneously and write code that controls which usernames and passwords to try – those that the hacker believes are most likely to be used.

Interview: Michael Babikian-LegacyShield

By LegacyShield on 7/31/19 4:26 PM

This video introduces you to how LegacyShield’s “Life’s Mission Control” digital platform protects your client’s data and sets you apart as their Advisor/Agent. 

Topics: Financial Planning Lifestyle Planning Sales & Marketing Technology

Help Clients Organize What They’re Trying to Pass On

By LegacyShield on 5/7/19 5:14 PM

So, you've helped them with life insurance. What about helping beneficiaries understand what was passed on? Michael Babikian, CEO of LegacyShield, shares info on assisting beneficiaries.

Topics: Planning in Advance Legacy Planning Tools Underwriting & Risk Classification
