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Limited and Extended Care Planning Collective

The LECP Collective empowers professionals to network with solution and service providers to share best practices, directly access subject matter experts, research, training and resources; and provide thought leadership so we may continue to address the changing needs of the market.

1 min read

Gandy Inspires Advisors to Have Their Best Year Ever

By NAIFA on 2/10/22 9:28 AM

NAIFA Trustee Christopher Gandy, LACP, was featured presenter at the NAIFA-NC chapter’s February virtual meeting. After presiding over the installation of NAIFA-NC’s 2022 Board of Directors, Gandy gave his presentation, “Your Best Year Ever.”

Drawing on his experiences as a professional basketball player and a highly successful financial professional, Gandy challenged agents and advisors to reach their highest levels of achievement. “You cannot do ordinary things and expect extraordinary results,” he said. “You have to do ‘the extra.’”

Topics: Professional Development
1 min read

Carroll Golden Talks Washington Care Act

By Jaquetta Gooden on 8/25/21 8:30 AM

NAIFA’s LECP Executive Director Carroll Golden joins Angie Hughes on the  Producers XL broadcast: The Long-Term, Angie's Advice for Agents on August 31st, at 11 am eastern to discuss the Washington Care Act.

Topics: Long-Term Care Professional Development Podcast
3 min read

Prepare for the Great Wealth Transfer

By LegacyShield on 3/3/21 11:07 AM

Since the inception of the computer, it has opened doors, transformed current industries, and created new ones at breakneck speed. With each new development, such as the internet, the cellphone, and the smartphone, the pace at which our society evolves has increased exponentially. The future is now, but it is also tomorrow. However, there is an interesting divide that we can actively observe between generations. 

Topics: Professional Development Technology Limited & Extended Care Planning Center
