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Limited and Extended Care Planning Collective

The LECP Collective empowers professionals to network with solution and service providers to share best practices, directly access subject matter experts, research, training and resources; and provide thought leadership so we may continue to address the changing needs of the market.

3 min read

Why Insurance Agents Should Care About Collaboration

By LegacyShield on 1/28/21 1:29 PM

Policyholders are looking for more than just a policy these days. Customers want an insurance agent who acts as their trusted advisor, collaborating with them to protect their assets and help reach financial goals. In fact, 75% of policyholders would switch insurers to get more personalized service.

Topics: Marketing Limited & Extended Care Planning Center

Interview with Carroll Golden and Claude Thau Discussing Self Insurance

By Target/Ash on 6/21/19 2:22 PM

Claude Thau discusses self-insuring options with LECP Executive Director Carroll Golden. This is a great option for some clients, learn how to discuss it with them through a role play example.

Topics: Long-Term Care Marketing Extended Care Funding Advanced Planning Sales & Marketing Grow Your Business

Starting the LTC Conversation with Your Parents

By Target/Ash on 5/9/19 10:10 AM

Although few of us want to broach the subject of what care Mom and Dad might need and where they should receive it, it’s a topic that isn’t going to go away.
This brochure offers tips about how to bring the subject up with a minimal amount of drama. Bringing it up early gives them time to work out the details before they begin to need help.

Topics: Long-Term Care Financial Planning Marketing Extended Care Planning in Advance Limited Care Sales & Marketing Consumers
