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Lifetime HealthCare
Planning Center

The LHCP Center empowers professionals to network with solution and service providers to share best practices, directly access subject matter experts, research, training and resources; and provide thought leadership so we may continue to address the changing needs of the market.

The NAIFA Limited & Extended Care Planning Center proudly presents: Innovation in the Extended and Long Term Care Marketplace. One of our live sessions from the 2019 Performance + Purpose Conference. 

Featured Speakers:

  • Dan Pierson (LegacyShield)
    • All-In-One Tool to Safeguard Clients Plans 
  • Alyssa De La Cruz (Nationwide)
    • Integrating Care Planning with Retirement Planning 
  • Chris Bruser (Retirement Funding Solutions, a Mutual of Omaha Company)
    • Funding for Insurance Care Needs
  • Scott Hall (OneAmerica)
    • Strategies for Retirement — Adding LTC to the Conversation

This session was moderated by Carroll Golden, Executive Director of the Limited & Extended Care Planning Center.


For more information about these sponsors and their work for the center, visit: https://lecp.naifa.org/the-experts

For more information about the Performance + Purpose Conference and its sessions, visit: https://conference.naifa.org/performance-purpose-2020
