I.M. Pei stated, “Success is a collection of problems solved.”
We are hearing phrases like: “sandwich generation impact,” “product innovation,” “retirement impact,” “rising health care costs,” “technology transformation,” “legislation, and "regulation,” etc. Every American is impacted in some way by extended or long-term care needs.
Small and large towns, cities, and counties alike are looking to you for information and help. During Impact Week we will cover a broad range of topics that speak to current successes; emerging issues; leveraging technology; and customer communications across acquisition, onboarding, and service.
Where do we see it growing, stalling? Where do we see opportunities for success?
Scroll down to see the complete agenda.
November 1st - 5th
12 - 1 PM eastern Daily
The agenda is being updated daily with more presenters and session details.
Affinity Law Group
National Reverse Mortgage Dir., Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation
SVP Government Relations, NAIFA
Head of Strategic Distribution Initiatives, John Hancock Insurance
Sr. Director of Sales
Divisional Vice President, Care Solutions, OneAmerica
CEO and Founder, InsurTech Express
Senior Vice President, Lincoln Financial Distributors
Regional Sales Director, OneAmerica
Vice President, Insurance Distribution Solutions, Equisoft
Brokerage Director, BackNine Insurance Services
MassMutual, Regional Manager
Our Key Contributors
Copyright © 2020 NAIFA
National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors
1000 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 1890
Arlington, VA 22209
Phone: 877-866-2432