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Limited and Extended Care Planning Collective

The LECP Collective empowers professionals to network with solution and service providers to share best practices, directly access subject matter experts, research, training and resources; and provide thought leadership so we may continue to address the changing needs of the market.

4 min read

How to Use Trusted Contacts to Gain New Clients

By Cameron Huddleston on 7/8/22 4:59 PM

Do you ask your clients for trusted contacts?

Since 2018, brokerage firms have been required by FINRA Rule 4512 to ask their retail customers to provide the name and contact information of a trusted contact person. Although the rule applies only to broker-dealers, it’s still a best practice for all wealth management and financial advisory firms to gather this information from clients. 

Unfortunately, time-strapped advisors too often treat getting trusted contacts as an administrative task versus an opportunity to grow their practice. Trusted contact record-keeping should be thought of as a critical practice infrastructure, contributing far more than a list of emergency numbers. If you’re not already asking clients for trusted contacts, here are two key reasons why you should.

Reason 1: Protect aging clients from fraud and exploitation

As an advisor, you help clients build sound financial plans. However, all of that planning can be for nothing if your clients lose their money to elder financial exploitation. Millions of older Americans become victims of scams or financial abuse each year and lose more than $3 billion annually to these crimes, according to the FBI.

The aim of FINRA Rule 4512 is to protect investors—particularly seniors—from fraud and exploitation. Firms can reach out to their customers’ trusted contacts if they are concerned about activity in customers’ accounts. 

Advisors are the first line of defense for older adult clients. By creating your own trusted contacts policy, you can get authorization from clients to reach out to someone they trust if you suspect your clients’ assets are at risk of exploitation. A trusted contact can help you confirm suspicions that a client’s financial decision-making ability has been impacted by cognitive decline issues or that a client is being taken advantage of by scammers or even family members. In short, it’s the right thing to do to provide your clients with the protection they deserve. 

Topics: Prospecting Limited & Extended Care Planning Center

Seven Employee Benefits Case Studies

By ARM on 2/6/20 12:15 PM

Advanced Resources Marketing (ARM) offer the following case studies as examples of how you can grow your business using their expertise and assistance.  Utilizing Enrollment Firms to Perform Core and Voluntary Enrollments; Value and proper risk spread of utilizing two staggered enrollments; Voluntary Offering to Newly Merged Company; Voluntary Offer to HMO; Case for the Replacement and Paternalistic Engineering Firm.


Topics: Long-Term Care Extended Care Group & Employee Benefits Sales & Marketing Prospecting Grow Your Business
1 min read

3 Creative Ways Annuities can Fund LTC Insurance

By LTCI Partners on 7/31/19 9:30 AM

According to insurance industry research group LIMRA annuity sales had their best quarter in nearly 10 years with 62.1 billion in 4th quarter 2018 sales, up 22% year over year. LTCI Partners show you 3 creative ways to use Annuities to fund extended care needs.

Topics: Retirement Planning Life Insurance & Annuities Sales & Marketing Tax Benefits Prospecting

Increase Revenue with Worksite Long-Term Care Insurance

By ARM on 7/25/19 11:00 AM

Advanced Resources Marketing [ARM] is a full service Long-Term Care Insurance [LTCi] enrollment firm. Focusing exclusively on LTCi, hybrid, and Life w/LTCi, ARM'S team are experts in the roll=out of worksite programs in order to maximize employer satisfaction and enrollment results that add revenue to your company.

Topics: Long-Term Care Extended Care Employer Sponsored LTCI Group & Employee Benefits Funding Sales & Marketing Prospecting Grow Your Business

Ash Brokerage offers keys to communicating Care Plans to family members

By ASH Brokerage on 7/22/19 8:30 AM

Ash Brokerage/Target Ins. know it can be challenging to start “that” conversation. When discussing extended care need preparations, it is important to consider the impact that your client’s care plans could have on the entire family. Advisors can guide clients by  anticipating the children's concerns and helping clients prepare to address them. This flier offers common objections, and ways to answer them. Contact Chad Eyrich directly for more information by going to LECP.NAIFA.ORG/ subscribe. 

Topics: Long-Term Care Planning in Advance Sales & Marketing Prospecting Grow Your Business Consumers

Interview with Carroll Golden and Claude Thau - Why Buy Now?

By Target/Ash on 6/27/19 2:02 PM

 LECP Executive Director Carroll Golden discusses Lifestyle Planning with Claude Thau in detail. When should you buy LTC? What role does a client's health play in pricing?


Topics: Long-Term Care Financial Planning Extended Care Advanced Planning Sales & Marketing Prospecting

Public Care Coverage Requirements

By LTCI Partners on 6/26/19 12:30 PM

LTCI Partnes offers you a chart to help you and your clients understand the requirements of public care coverage? Start the conversation.

Topics: Sales & Marketing Prospecting
