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Lifetime HealthCare
Planning Center

The LHCP Center empowers professionals to network with solution and service providers to share best practices, directly access subject matter experts, research, training and resources; and provide thought leadership so we may continue to address the changing needs of the market.


Recent posts by Target/Ash

Decision Tree for Stand-Alone vs Combo LTCi

By Target/Ash on 7/15/19 1:00 PM

Do your clients need help deciding between Stand Alone and Combo products? Use this decision tree to assist in their decision.

Topics: Life Insurance & Annuities Financial Planning Advanced Planning Sales & Marketing

Interview with Carroll Golden and Claude Thau - Why Buy Now?

By Target/Ash on 6/27/19 2:02 PM

 LECP Executive Director Carroll Golden discusses Lifestyle Planning with Claude Thau in detail. When should you buy LTC? What role does a client's health play in pricing?


Topics: Long-Term Care Financial Planning Extended Care Advanced Planning Sales & Marketing Prospecting

Interview with Carroll Golden and Claude Thau Discussing Self Insurance

By Target/Ash on 6/21/19 2:22 PM

Claude Thau discusses self-insuring options with LECP Executive Director Carroll Golden. This is a great option for some clients, learn how to discuss it with them through a role play example.

Topics: Long-Term Care Marketing Extended Care Funding Advanced Planning Sales & Marketing Grow Your Business

Starting the LTC Conversation with Your Parents

By Target/Ash on 5/9/19 10:10 AM

Although few of us want to broach the subject of what care Mom and Dad might need and where they should receive it, it’s a topic that isn’t going to go away.
This brochure offers tips about how to bring the subject up with a minimal amount of drama. Bringing it up early gives them time to work out the details before they begin to need help.

Topics: Long-Term Care Financial Planning Marketing Extended Care Planning in Advance Limited Care Sales & Marketing Consumers
