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Lifetime HealthCare
Planning Center

The LHCP Center empowers professionals to network with solution and service providers to share best practices, directly access subject matter experts, research, training and resources; and provide thought leadership so we may continue to address the changing needs of the market.

3 min read

Life Settlements: Understanding the Life Insurance Secondary Marketing and its Value to Consumers

By LifeCare XChange by GWG Life on 8/23/19 11:29 AM

NOTE: The following is an excerpt taken from the most recent whitepaper released by author and former industry lobbyist, Chris Orestis, Executive Vice President for GWG.

Topics: Life Insurance & Annuities Consumers

Ash Brokerage offers keys to communicating Care Plans to family members

By ASH Brokerage on 7/22/19 8:30 AM

Ash Brokerage/Target Ins. know it can be challenging to start “that” conversation. When discussing extended care need preparations, it is important to consider the impact that your client’s care plans could have on the entire family. Advisors can guide clients by  anticipating the children's concerns and helping clients prepare to address them. This flier offers common objections, and ways to answer them. Contact Chad Eyrich directly for more information by going to LECP.NAIFA.ORG/ subscribe. 

Topics: Long-Term Care Planning in Advance Sales & Marketing Prospecting Grow Your Business Consumers

Starting the LTC Conversation with Your Parents

By Target/Ash on 5/9/19 10:10 AM

Although few of us want to broach the subject of what care Mom and Dad might need and where they should receive it, it’s a topic that isn’t going to go away.
This brochure offers tips about how to bring the subject up with a minimal amount of drama. Bringing it up early gives them time to work out the details before they begin to need help.

Topics: Long-Term Care Financial Planning Marketing Extended Care Planning in Advance Limited Care Sales & Marketing Consumers
2 min read

Washington State to Enact Public Long-Term Care Benefit Plan

By Carroll Golden on 4/23/19 10:07 AM


Topics: Advocacy Long-Term Care Extended Care Benefits Government Programs Consumers
