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Limited and Extended Care Planning Collective

The LECP Collective empowers professionals to network with solution and service providers to share best practices, directly access subject matter experts, research, training and resources; and provide thought leadership so we may continue to address the changing needs of the market.

1 min read

Industry Survey on Long-Term Care Now Underway

By Suzanne Carawan on 9/14/20 1:48 PM

NAIFA has been selected as a survey partner to Oliver Wyman along with NAILBA and BrokerWorld to undertake an industry-wide research study on the state of sales of long-term care products. The survey is entitled "Long-Term Care Insurance Planning Survey: Who’s Selling What to Whom, How and Why?" and seeks to understand how the landscape has changed through COVID-19.

Topics: Sales Long-Term Care Life Insurance & Annuities Sales & Marketing

Seven Employee Benefits Case Studies

By ARM on 2/6/20 12:15 PM

Advanced Resources Marketing (ARM) offer the following case studies as examples of how you can grow your business using their expertise and assistance.  Utilizing Enrollment Firms to Perform Core and Voluntary Enrollments; Value and proper risk spread of utilizing two staggered enrollments; Voluntary Offering to Newly Merged Company; Voluntary Offer to HMO; Case for the Replacement and Paternalistic Engineering Firm.


Topics: Long-Term Care Extended Care Group & Employee Benefits Sales & Marketing Prospecting Grow Your Business

Interview: Michael Babikian-LegacyShield

By LegacyShield on 7/31/19 4:26 PM

This video introduces you to how LegacyShield’s “Life’s Mission Control” digital platform protects your client’s data and sets you apart as their Advisor/Agent. 

Topics: Financial Planning Lifestyle Planning Sales & Marketing Technology
1 min read

3 Creative Ways Annuities can Fund LTC Insurance

By LTCI Partners on 7/31/19 9:30 AM

According to insurance industry research group LIMRA annuity sales had their best quarter in nearly 10 years with 62.1 billion in 4th quarter 2018 sales, up 22% year over year. LTCI Partners show you 3 creative ways to use Annuities to fund extended care needs.

Topics: Retirement Planning Life Insurance & Annuities Sales & Marketing Tax Benefits Prospecting

Increase Revenue with Worksite Long-Term Care Insurance

By ARM on 7/25/19 11:00 AM

Advanced Resources Marketing [ARM] is a full service Long-Term Care Insurance [LTCi] enrollment firm. Focusing exclusively on LTCi, hybrid, and Life w/LTCi, ARM'S team are experts in the roll=out of worksite programs in order to maximize employer satisfaction and enrollment results that add revenue to your company.

Topics: Long-Term Care Extended Care Employer Sponsored LTCI Group & Employee Benefits Funding Sales & Marketing Prospecting Grow Your Business

Funding a Long-Term Care Benefit Account with Life Settlements

By GWG Holdings, Inc. on 7/23/19 1:00 PM

Are they options for clients who are not able to consider insurance to meet their LTC needs?  In this video, Chris Oretis explains how a long-term care benefit account works for those with chronic and long term conditions needing to pay for expensive medical bills. 

Topics: Long-Term Care Sales & Marketing

Ash Brokerage offers keys to communicating Care Plans to family members

By ASH Brokerage on 7/22/19 8:30 AM

Ash Brokerage/Target Ins. know it can be challenging to start “that” conversation. When discussing extended care need preparations, it is important to consider the impact that your client’s care plans could have on the entire family. Advisors can guide clients by  anticipating the children's concerns and helping clients prepare to address them. This flier offers common objections, and ways to answer them. Contact Chad Eyrich directly for more information by going to LECP.NAIFA.ORG/ subscribe. 

Topics: Long-Term Care Planning in Advance Sales & Marketing Prospecting Grow Your Business Consumers

How to Boost Your LTCI Production

By Genworth on 7/17/19 2:50 PM

Click here to read Wendy Boglioli's article in NAIFA's Advisor Today magazine that covers ways to boost your LTCI production. Wendy is a national spokesperson for Genworth Financia, Inc. 
Topics: Long-Term Care Retirement Planning Sales & Marketing

Decision Tree for Stand-Alone vs Combo LTCi

By Target/Ash on 7/15/19 1:00 PM

Do your clients need help deciding between Stand Alone and Combo products? Use this decision tree to assist in their decision.

Topics: Life Insurance & Annuities Financial Planning Advanced Planning Sales & Marketing

Interview with Carroll Golden and Claude Thau - Why Buy Now?

By Target/Ash on 6/27/19 2:02 PM

 LECP Executive Director Carroll Golden discusses Lifestyle Planning with Claude Thau in detail. When should you buy LTC? What role does a client's health play in pricing?


Topics: Long-Term Care Financial Planning Extended Care Advanced Planning Sales & Marketing Prospecting
