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Limited and Extended Care Planning Collective

The LECP Collective empowers professionals to network with solution and service providers to share best practices, directly access subject matter experts, research, training and resources; and provide thought leadership so we may continue to address the changing needs of the market.

1 min read

OneAmerica Presents at LECP Impact Week

By David Lahoud on 10/27/21 4:30 PM

OneAmerica will have two panelists for the NAIFA 2021 Long Term Care Impact Week event starting on November 1st - November 5th.  Jeff Levin and Michelle Prather are both loyal NAIFA members and their expertise will provide valuable insights for the event.

On November 3rd, Levin, the Divisional Vice President, Care Solutions. will join the  Executive Leadership Roundtable to discuss the challenges and other issues industry leaders address with LTC.

Topics: Long-Term Care Members Potential Partners for Advisors
1 min read

Carefull Co-Founder Todd Rovak Will Speak at LECP Impact Week

By LECP Center on 10/27/21 12:06 PM

Todd Rovak, co-founder of Carefull, will be a featured panelist at this year’s Limited and Extended Care Planning Center Impact Week. Founded in 2020, Carefull is a platform that provides resources for financial caregiving, helping aging loved ones manage their day-to-day finances.

Rovak will participate in the panel, "Technology Shark Tank: Taking the Robot out of the Advisor/Agent," which will address how to use technology to increase productivity, profitability, and personal connection with clients.  Rovak will be joined by representatives from the technology companies: Equisoft, BackNine Insurance, and Proformex. The panel will be moderated by Ken Leibow of InsureTech Express.

The panel will take place Thursday, November 4th, from 12 - 1 pm eastern.  

Each day of the LECP Impact Week will feature thought leaders and industry experts in long-term care.  


Carefull is a NAIFA partner and supports the Limited and Extended Care Planning Center and financialsecurity.org. Members can learn more about Carefull and how to partner within the Member Portal.

Topics: Long-Term Care Technology Potential Partners for Advisors
3 min read

Success Is a Collaboration of Problems Solved at NAIFA's LECP Impact Week

By NAIFA on 10/25/21 4:01 PM

NAIFA’s Limited and Extended Care Planning Center is hosting the second annual NAIFA LECP Impact Week, November 1st - 5th. 

 The virtual event, with the theme Success Is a Collaboration of Problems Solved, has been revamped for 2021. Each of the five days of Impact Week programming will drill down on a specific topic and feature multiple presenters in a packed one-hour presentation, 12 - 1 pm eastern.

Topics: Long-Term Care Limited Care Limited & Extended Care Planning Center
1 min read

E4 Insurance Presents a Special BREW Featuring Shane Van Patten

By NAIFA on 10/11/21 3:31 PM

E4 Insurance Services invites you to join our Building Relationships Every Week (BREW) Wednesday, Nov. 3, 2021, from 12:00-12:30 PM CST. November is Long-Term Care Awareness Month, and we want to help you start your month with all the tools you need!

Shane Van Patten, CLTC, E4 Insurance Services Regional Vice President has been helping Financial Professionals proactively integrate insurance into their practices for the past 16+ years.

Topics: Long-Term Care Financial Planning
2 min read

The Limited and Extended Care Planning Center Sounds Off!

By Carroll Golden on 10/1/21 3:45 PM

It would be an understatement to say that it is critical for the extended and long-term care (LTC) industry to weigh in on the Washington State legislation that creates a publicly funded LTC program. The industry has historically welcomed a public-private option and we are hopeful that the various state legislatures contemplating instituting publicly funded programs of their own will embrace knowledgeable suggestions from insurers, business processing firms, distributors, agents, and advisors. At the federal level, there are proposals that would also benefit from industry participation.

Topics: Long-Term Care Legislation & Regulations State Advocacy Federal Advocacy
1 min read

Caroll Golden Discusses the Washington Cares Act and LTC on Podcast

By Beth Helberg on 9/10/21 12:00 PM

On August 31st, NAIFA’s LECP Executive Director Carroll Golden, was on the Producers XL broadcast: The Long-Term, Angie's Advice for Agents with NAIFA member Angie Hughes.  

Topics: Advocacy Long-Term Care State-Facilitated Retirement Plans Limited & Extended Care Planning Center
3 min read

The Importance of Long-Term Care Planning From an ER Doctor’s Perspective

By NAIFA on 9/3/21 1:15 PM

As an emergency medicine physician for 20 years, including the past 12 years working in a large, level 1 trauma center, Dr. Monica Williams has seen innumerable patients and families facing long-term care challenges. As the Medical Director for Advance Care Planning and End of Life Education for the third-largest community-owned hospital system in the United States, she has spent a portion of her career talking to doctors about how they can have effective advanced medical planning and end-of-life conversations with patients and families.

Topics: Long-Term Care Financial Planning Planning in Advance Webinar Potential Partners for Advisors
1 min read

Carroll Golden Talks Washington Care Act

By Jaquetta Gooden on 8/25/21 8:30 AM

NAIFA’s LECP Executive Director Carroll Golden joins Angie Hughes on the  Producers XL broadcast: The Long-Term, Angie's Advice for Agents on August 31st, at 11 am eastern to discuss the Washington Care Act.

Topics: Long-Term Care Professional Development Podcast
6 min read

How to Protect Your LTC Plan From Future Inflation

By Tom Riekse Jr. on 7/21/21 11:02 AM

Significant inflation - something that the majority of Americans have not seen in their lifetime - has been a primary news topic.  From concerns about exploding national debt and high government spending levels to an expanding post-pandemic economy, many people are concerned about sustained inflation and decreased purchasing power.  Or, as many economists are assuring us, this could be a short-term event as the economy bounces back from the pandemic. Nobody knows!

Topics: Long-Term Care Long-Term Care Insurance
1 min read

A CLTC Teachable Moment... Who Provides Extended Care Where?

By CLTC on 7/7/21 7:00 AM

Most clients say they want to receive care in their homes. But they also say they don’t want to be a burden on family or friends.

Both goals are understandable and maybe in conflict when care is needed. As with so many things in life, it can be wise to be careful of what we wish for.

Topics: Long-Term Care
