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Limited and Extended Care Planning Collective

The LECP Collective empowers professionals to network with solution and service providers to share best practices, directly access subject matter experts, research, training and resources; and provide thought leadership so we may continue to address the changing needs of the market.

On August 31st, NAIFA’s LECP Executive Director Carroll Golden, was on the Producers XL broadcast: The Long-Term, Angie's Advice for Agents with NAIFA member Angie Hughes.  

The topic was the Washington Care Act that is scheduled to go into effect on January 1, 2022.   Angie and Carroll discussed the implications of the Act which imposed a payroll tax to fund a state-run LTC coverage plan and will impact financial professionals, businesses, and consumers in the state.  

They also considered how long-term care is a top concern for so many and the Act may be copied by other states. Angie noted that the “silver lining” of the Act and how it is bringing awareness to long-term care and advisors need to be up-to-date so they can provide the best service to clients.  Carroll stressed the importance of advisors belonging to a grassroots organization to stay informed and be represented in these discussions. 

Listen to the full discussion here.

Access code: m5#KnMVT


