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Limited and Extended Care Planning Collective

The LECP Collective empowers professionals to network with solution and service providers to share best practices, directly access subject matter experts, research, training and resources; and provide thought leadership so we may continue to address the changing needs of the market.

1 min read

Tax Advantages of Long-Term Care Insurance

By ARM on 11/13/19 11:40 AM

Long-Term Care Awareness Month conversations should always include a mention of the tax advantages of Long-Term Care insurance [LTCi]. For those looking for a last-minute tax deduction, LTCi presents a solution.

LTCi is considered Health Insurance for tax purposes, which has favorable implications for owners of C-Corporations and S-Corporations alike.

  • C-Corporations who fund an LTCi benefit for owners/employees and their spouses or dependents, can fully deduct premiums paid as a business expense
  • S-Corporations who purchase LTCi for the owner and their spouse or dependents can deduct premiums up to the federally set Eligible Premium limits

What’s more – regardless of organizational structure, benefits received from an LTCi policy are tax free!

Non-business owners can reap the tax benefits of LTCi policies too. Tax-qualified LTCi premiums can be reimbursed through a Health Savings Account [HSA], tax-free, up to the age based Eligible Premium limits.

See below for the age-based EligiTable Premium limits.

Eligible Premium Limits for 2019

At age:  You can deduct:
40 & Younger $420
41-50 $790
51-60 $1,580
61-70 $4220
71 and older $5,270




