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Limited and Extended Care Planning Collective

The LECP Collective empowers professionals to network with solution and service providers to share best practices, directly access subject matter experts, research, training and resources; and provide thought leadership so we may continue to address the changing needs of the market.

NAIFA supports Maryland state legislation that would provide consumers in the state with easier access to resources and educational materials on long-term care (LTC) planning. A NAIFA-Maryland member served on the Task Force on LTC Education and Planning that made recommendations that helped shape the bill, HB 599, Public Health – Long Term Care Planning.

The legislation would require the Maryland Health Care Commission, the Department of Disabilities, and the Department of Aging to update their websites with informative and consistent information on LTC planning for families. The materials would include the Task Force’s “Plan NOW Starter Kit,” which provides information on successfully planning for LTC with contact information for private and public options.

“NAIFA supports proposals to increase consumer conversations and awareness of the social need for long-term care supports and services,” said NAIFA Senior Vice President for Government Relations Diane Boyle in a letter to Del. Shane Pendergrass, Chair of the Maryland House Health and Government Operations Committee. “HB 0599 will help inform Maryland consumers of their planning options, and we ask that you support and take swift action on this bill during the current legislative session.”

NAIFA’s Limited and Extended Care Planning Center exists to raise awareness among consumers and financial professionals about long-term care and related issues.

