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Limited and Extended Care Planning Collective

The LECP Collective empowers professionals to network with solution and service providers to share best practices, directly access subject matter experts, research, training and resources; and provide thought leadership so we may continue to address the changing needs of the market.

Cameron Huddleston, Carefull Family Finance Expert

Recent posts by Cameron Huddleston, Carefull Family Finance Expert

4 min read

How to Protect Aging Clients from Financial Exploitation

By Cameron Huddleston, Carefull Family Finance Expert on 3/31/22 10:00 AM

Financial exploitation of older adults is rampant, and the problem will only get worse as America’s population continues to age.

In fact, the rate at which adults over the age of 60 can expect to experience financial exploitation—1 in 20—is higher than the incidence of many age-related diseases, according to research published in The Journals of Gerontology. And that’s likely an underestimate because many older adults are unwilling to report exploitation.

Topics: Long-Term Care Extended Care Limited Care Potential Partners for Advisors
2 min read

Using Technology to Deepen Client Relationships Across Generations

By Cameron Huddleston, Carefull Family Finance Expert on 1/7/22 4:28 PM

Technology might not seem like a likely tool a financial advisor can use to build client relationships. It almost goes without saying that older generations prefer human interaction versus digital services when it comes to their finances. And surveys have found that even tech-savvy millennials are more likely to get help with their finances from real-life advisors than from robo-advisors. 

So how can technology help financial advisors strengthen and add value to their relationships with clients—especially older clients—when it lacks the human touch? After all, a computer can’t hold your hand during a market downturn. 

But there is new technology that can enable advisors to build their businesses by giving them the ability to better assist aging clients and clients taking care of aging parents at the stage of their financial lives where they need the most help. That new technology is Carefull. 

Topics: Long-Term Care Technology Tools Potential Partners for Advisors
5 min read

Why You Need to Talk to Clients About Monitoring

By Cameron Huddleston, Carefull Family Finance Expert on 12/29/21 8:00 AM

Courtney Heiden’s dad always took care of the family finances. In fact, he had a background in finance and managed client accounts at the large companies where he worked. So it came as a complete shock when there was a knock on her parents’ door several years ago, and the man at the door said the house was going to be auctioned off the next day.

“My mom actually thought they were kidding or maybe had the wrong house,” Heiden said. “And the man at the door said, ‘No, there's not been a mortgage paid in nine months.’ Their world kind of came crashing down at that moment.”

Topics: Long-Term Care Potential Partners for Advisors
