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Limited and Extended Care Planning Collective

The LECP Collective empowers professionals to network with solution and service providers to share best practices, directly access subject matter experts, research, training and resources; and provide thought leadership so we may continue to address the changing needs of the market.

Tom Riekse Jr.

Recent posts by Tom Riekse Jr.

4 min read

Why there may be a rush to buy LTC Insurance policies

By Tom Riekse Jr. on 4/23/20 2:28 PM

Years from now, those of us who lived through the Coronavirus Pandemic will think about the early rush to buy toilet paper and how odd that seemed. As of today (and things could change), there is plenty available at Costco, but they are limiting people to just one 30 pack. Just how long does a 30 pack last? Well, someone has created a Coronavirus Poop Calculator (thepooptool.com) to help people figure that out. For a family of 4, a 30 pack of Costco toilet paper should last 90 days. Amazingly and unexpectedly, it seems all Americans are involved with Toilet Paper inventory management.

We can chuckle a little bit about toilet paper. However, it's not just household products we are taking inventory of.

2 min read

How Coronavirus and low interest rates may impact LTC Insurance - and why you may want to act now

By Tom Riekse Jr. on 3/18/20 11:00 AM

From quarantined cruise ships to cancelled conferences (not to mention the stock market), the novel coronavirus has had a significant impact on many peoples lives. At first glance, it would seem like the LTC Insurance business wouldn't be significantly impacted compared to other businesses. Why?

2 min read

What Recent New York Suitability Regulations Could Mean for the Future of Long-Term Care Planning

By Tom Riekse Jr. on 2/25/20 11:30 AM

If you are a producer who writes Life Insurance products with New York clients, including Life/LTC plans, effective February 1st 2020 you need to comply with New York State Department of Financial Security Section 187. The regulations are designed to have life insurance and annuity recommendations be made in the best interest of the client - not the insurance agent.  Are these regulations a sign of things to come in more states - and how do they impact long-term care insurance?

1 min read

Webinar: Long Term Care Planning - 2019 in Review

By Tom Riekse Jr. on 1/16/20 11:00 AM

Join LTCI Partners Managing Director, Tom Riekse and VP, Pat Bradley for a wrap up of Long Term Care in 2019. 

In this 30-minute discussion, LTCI Partners recaps some of this year’s top sales strategies, industry news, carrier highlights and more.

"We'll even forecast what’s to come in 2020 as it relates to Long-Term Care planning."

5 min read

Why 3% compound inflation isn't ALWAYS the best choice for LTC Insurance

By Tom Riekse Jr. on 9/30/19 2:00 PM

When recommending LTC insurance for your clients, "default" benefits can often make the job of selecting plan options easier, but is that what is best for your client in every situation?  For example, the vast majority of LTCI buyers select a 90 day period before benefits start paying. This option tends to work well as both a reasonable deductible and could coordinate with how Medicare pays LTC benefits.
