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Lifetime HealthCare
Planning Center

The LHCP Center empowers professionals to network with solution and service providers to share best practices, directly access subject matter experts, research, training and resources; and provide thought leadership so we may continue to address the changing needs of the market.

1 min read

California Insurance Department FAQ Aims to Clear Up Confusion About LTCi Program Study

By NAIFA on 8/18/23 1:19 PM

California has not at this time established a publicly funded state-run long-term care insurance program or set deadlines for employees in the state to opt out. The state established a Task Force to study the possibility of such a program and make recommendations, and that study is ongoing. The California Department of Insurance has issued a revised Frequently Asked Questions Document to clear up some common misconceptions. Among topics covered by the FAQ are:

Topics: Long-Term Care Insurance State Advocacy Limited & Extended Care Planning Center California
2 min read

State Senate Hearing on LTC Features Testimony of NAIFA-WA's Chris Bor

By NAIFA on 12/8/22 6:01 PM

Chris Bor, LUTCF, CLU, ChFC, a loyal NAIFA member since 1998 and Immediate Past President of NAIFA-WA, testified at a hearing of the Washington State Senate Business, Financial Services & Trade Committee on the use of life insurance, annuities, and policy riders in long-term care planning. He gave an overview of a wide variety of LTC planning options and discussed the value of agents and advisors to consumers. Bor also serves as Vice-Chair of NAIFA's National Membership Committee.

Topics: Long-Term Care Life Insurance & Annuities State Advocacy Washington
3 min read

The Limited and Extended Care Planning Center Sounds Off!

By Carroll Golden on 2/25/22 5:18 PM

It has been critical for the Extended and Long-Term Care (LTC) Industry to weigh in on the publicly funded LTC program in Washington State (WA Cares). The industry has historically welcomed a public-private LTC option. And we are hopeful that the various state legislatures considering similar programs will embrace knowledgeable suggestions from industry insurers, business processing firms, distributors, agents, and advisors. In addition, there are proposals at the federal level that also could benefit from industry participation. 

Topics: Legislation & Regulations State Advocacy Limited & Extended Care Planning Center Federal Advocacy
2 min read

The Limited and Extended Care Planning Center Sounds Off!

By Carroll Golden on 10/1/21 3:45 PM

It would be an understatement to say that it is critical for the extended and long-term care (LTC) industry to weigh in on the Washington State legislation that creates a publicly funded LTC program. The industry has historically welcomed a public-private option and we are hopeful that the various state legislatures contemplating instituting publicly funded programs of their own will embrace knowledgeable suggestions from insurers, business processing firms, distributors, agents, and advisors. At the federal level, there are proposals that would also benefit from industry participation.

Topics: Long-Term Care Legislation & Regulations State Advocacy Federal Advocacy
1 min read

NAIFA-WA Urges LTC Bill Changes to Protect Employees With Private Coverage

By NAIFA on 2/12/21 2:45 PM

NAIFA-WA is urging changes to a long-term services bill, HB 1323, to protect employees who have purchased long-term care coverage.

Topics: Long-Term Care Legislation & Regulations State Advocacy
1 min read

NAIFA Supports Replacement of Indiana LTC Insurance Program

By NAIFA on 2/4/21 11:51 AM

NAIFA is encouraging the efforts of Indiana state Sen. Greg Walker and Rep. Martin Carbaugh to replace the Indiana Long Term Care Insurance Program, also known as the RWJ Partnership, with legislation (HB 1405 and SB 261) to create a Deficit Reduction Act (DRA) Partnership.

Topics: Long-Term Care State Advocacy
1 min read

NAIFA Supports Maryland Bill to Boost LTC Education

By NAIFA on 2/1/21 4:33 PM

NAIFA supports Maryland state legislation that would provide consumers in the state with easier access to resources and educational materials on long-term care (LTC) planning. A NAIFA-Maryland member served on the Task Force on LTC Education and Planning that made recommendations that helped shape the bill, HB 599, Public Health – Long Term Care Planning.

Topics: Long-Term Care State Advocacy Limited & Extended Care Planning Center
