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Lifetime HealthCare
Planning Center

The LHCP Center empowers professionals to network with solution and service providers to share best practices, directly access subject matter experts, research, training and resources; and provide thought leadership so we may continue to address the changing needs of the market.

2 min read

These Two Trends Signal Much Higher LTC Costs in the Future - Regardless of Inflation

By Tom Riekse Jr. on 8/24/22 3:19 PM

Designing a LTC plan that will have appropriate benefits in 30 or 40 years can be really challenging! Despite that, many older LTC policies have actually done a pretty decent job of keeping up with the cost of long-term care. How do I know? Well, my Mom purchased an LTC Insurance policy from CNA Financial back in 1991. The initial benefit was $100 per day with a 5% automatic inflation increase benefit. Now, she is receiving care in a private room in an excellent nursing facility. The facility charges $420 per day for care, less than the $454 benefit daily benefit of the policy. The policy covers ALL the cost of her care. 
Of course, that is an anecdotal example. Some policies have not kept up with the cost of care, especially those without inflation riders. Fortunately, however, many of the dire, scary predictions during the early 90s related to the cost and availability of care haven't come true. Although stressed by the pandemic, there is currently a strong infrastructure of home care, assisted living and skilled nursing facilities. People pay for care using their LTC policies, riders on life policies, or retirement savings.
Topics: Long-Term Care Research/Trends Long-Term Care Insurance Limited & Extended Care Planning Center
1 min read

Experts at Apex will Explore Technology’s Transformation of the LECP Marketplace

By NAIFA on 8/8/22 9:15 AM

The limited and extended care planning (LECP) marketplace is transforming apace with innovations in technology. The rise of 5G, the fifth-generation standard for broadband cellular networks, has revolutionized the way we handle LECP data, providing greater data speeds, more reliability, and massive network capacity.

Topics: Long-Term Care Limited & Extended Care Planning Center Apex
3 min read

NAIFA's Limited & Extended Care Planning Center Top Reads from Q2 2022

By NAIFA on 7/26/22 3:15 PM

NAIFA's Limited & Extended Care Planning Center is focused on bringing you comprehensive information to help your business thrive in the long-term care sector. Below are the most read and most relevant articles by professionals like you from this last quarter (April to June 2022), written by NAIFA and our dedicated partners.

Want to see more of this content, or have a suggestion of topics you would like to see discussed? Let us know at lecp@naifa.org.

Annuities and LTC Insurance: Two Case Studies in Planning


Annuities can be an important part of long-term care planning, Tom Riekse, ChFC, CLU, CEBS, Managing Director at LTCi Partnerstold attendees of NAIFA’s Limited and Extended Care Planning Center webinar. “Unfortunately, there has probably not been as much emphasis on how they can work together in a plan for care as there should be based on some of the great benefits available.” 

Topics: Long-Term Care Life Insurance & Annuities Reverse Mortgages Limited & Extended Care Planning Center
1 min read

Webinar On-Demand: IUL Sales Ideas and Long-Term Care

By NAIFA on 4/8/22 12:42 PM

Increased awareness of long-term care (LTC) insurance means increased interest in LTC coverage. However, not all clients qualify for a traditional LTC rider.

Topics: Long-Term Care Life Insurance & Annuities Limited Care Potential Partners for Advisors Insurance
4 min read

How to Protect Aging Clients from Financial Exploitation

By Cameron Huddleston, Carefull Family Finance Expert on 3/31/22 10:00 AM

Financial exploitation of older adults is rampant, and the problem will only get worse as America’s population continues to age.

In fact, the rate at which adults over the age of 60 can expect to experience financial exploitation—1 in 20—is higher than the incidence of many age-related diseases, according to research published in The Journals of Gerontology. And that’s likely an underestimate because many older adults are unwilling to report exploitation.

Topics: Long-Term Care Extended Care Limited Care Potential Partners for Advisors
2 min read

Sen. Scott Promotes Care Planning and LTC Insurance in Committee Hearing

By NAIFA on 3/25/22 2:43 PM

Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) knows the importance of the insurance and financial services industry and the role of agents and advisors in the wellbeing of Main Street Americans. He gained much of this understanding in his pre-political career as an insurance professional and NAIFA member.

Topics: Long-Term Care Limited & Extended Care Planning Center Federal Advocacy
5 min read

Why Your Clients Should Plan for Long-term Care Sooner Rather than Later

By Fairway Independent Mortgage Corp. on 3/23/22 4:41 PM

There is and likely will always be a debate between what’s better: “optimistic” or “realistic” thinking. When it comes to retirement and aging, it’s beneficial to have both mindsets. To look forward to the enjoyment of the golden years while recognizing the need to plan ahead for rainy days.

Topics: Long-Term Care Gerontology/Aging Advanced Planning Standard of Care & Consumer Protection Limited & Extended Care Planning Center Family Caregivers Awareness
1 min read

Loyal NAIFA Member Louis Brownstone Featured in Broker World

By NAIFA on 3/15/22 1:28 PM

Loyal NAIFA-CA member Louis H. Brownstone, CLTC, proposes a new solution for long-term care insurance planning in a recent Broker World article. Brownstone is the owner of California Long Term Care Insurance. A NAIFA member since 2007, he is the Government Relations/APIC IFAPAC Chair for NAIFA-San Francisco Peninsula and a NAIFA Financial Security Advocate.

Congratulations, Louis. We're #NAIFAproud of your commitment and dedication to our industry.

Topics: Long-Term Care Retirement Planning Financial Planning Planning in Advance Membership
3 min read

NAIFA Thought Leaders to Be Well Represented at ILTCI 2022

By NAIFA on 3/15/22 9:23 AM

The Intercompany Long-Term Care Insurance Conference (ILTCI 2022) is taking place March 21-23 in Raleigh, NC, with sessions featuring NAIFA thought leaders and a special NAIFA networking event. The ILTCI’s annual educational conference is for representatives of the long-term and extended care insurance community and other strategic allies, including providers, public policy institutions, professional organizations, federal, state, and local government agencies, and the public. Online registration for the event is open.

Topics: Long-Term Care Press Release Limited & Extended Care Planning Center
2 min read

Using Technology to Deepen Client Relationships Across Generations

By Cameron Huddleston, Carefull Family Finance Expert on 1/7/22 4:28 PM

Technology might not seem like a likely tool a financial advisor can use to build client relationships. It almost goes without saying that older generations prefer human interaction versus digital services when it comes to their finances. And surveys have found that even tech-savvy millennials are more likely to get help with their finances from real-life advisors than from robo-advisors. 

So how can technology help financial advisors strengthen and add value to their relationships with clients—especially older clients—when it lacks the human touch? After all, a computer can’t hold your hand during a market downturn. 

But there is new technology that can enable advisors to build their businesses by giving them the ability to better assist aging clients and clients taking care of aging parents at the stage of their financial lives where they need the most help. That new technology is Carefull. 

Topics: Long-Term Care Technology Tools Potential Partners for Advisors
