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Lifetime HealthCare
Planning Center

The LHCP Center empowers professionals to network with solution and service providers to share best practices, directly access subject matter experts, research, training and resources; and provide thought leadership so we may continue to address the changing needs of the market.

1 min read

Webinar On-Demand: LTC Pricing in Uncertain Times

By NAIFA on 3/30/22 10:27 AM

Rising interest rates and inflation can dramatically impact long-term care insurance pricing.

This month, LTCI Partners Managing Director Tom Riekse spoke with Robert Eaton, Principal and Consulting Actuary of MillimanIn addition to interest rates and inflation, Riekse and Eaton discussed recent innovations in LTC product design and how to build trust in the digital age.

Watch On-Demand

Topics: Extended Care Limited Care Long-Term Care Insurance
2 min read

Top 5 Considerations as You Evaluate New Whole Life Products

By OneAmerica on 3/8/22 10:13 AM

Along with resolutions and high hopes, the new year also brings many insurance carriers promoting changes to their whole life insurance product portfolios. These revisions are due to adaptations in the IRC Section 7702 regulations. Prolonged low interest rates also continue to factor into product refreshes, revamps and adjustments. It may be overwhelming to sift through the fine print of the new products, but as you begin to evaluate them, keep these top five considerations in mind:

Topics: Life Insurance & Annuities Financial Planning Limited Care Financial Security Insurance
3 min read

Success Is a Collaboration of Problems Solved at NAIFA's LECP Impact Week

By NAIFA on 10/25/21 4:01 PM

NAIFA’s Limited and Extended Care Planning Center is hosting the second annual NAIFA LECP Impact Week, November 1st - 5th. 

 The virtual event, with the theme Success Is a Collaboration of Problems Solved, has been revamped for 2021. Each of the five days of Impact Week programming will drill down on a specific topic and feature multiple presenters in a packed one-hour presentation, 12 - 1 pm eastern.

Topics: Long-Term Care Limited Care Limited & Extended Care Planning Center

Starting the LTC Conversation with Your Parents

By Target/Ash on 5/9/19 10:10 AM

Although few of us want to broach the subject of what care Mom and Dad might need and where they should receive it, it’s a topic that isn’t going to go away.
This brochure offers tips about how to bring the subject up with a minimal amount of drama. Bringing it up early gives them time to work out the details before they begin to need help.

Topics: Long-Term Care Financial Planning Marketing Extended Care Planning in Advance Limited Care Sales & Marketing Consumers

Worksite LTCI and Benefits Brokers

By ARM on 5/2/19 12:15 PM

Topics: Group & Employee Benefits Limited Care Grow Your Business
