NAIFA's Limited and Extended Care Planning Collective(LECP)

Tackle the Scariest Topics in Long-Term Care at LTC Impact Day 2022

Written by NAIFA | 10/19/22 3:32 PM

We're kicking off November's Long-Term Care Awareness Month on Halloween, Monday, October 31 to get the message out that you don't need to be scared of long-term care conversations!

NAIFA's Limited & Extended Care Planning (LECP) Center is hosting "Don't Be Scared of Long-Term Care," a free, day-long virtual program from 9 am to 5 pm. Included are interactive sessions from industry leaders who will address the scariest of topics in the long-term care arena. 

Every hour, top members of the LECP Center and Advisory Council will share what advisors and agents need to know about the present and future of long-term care.

Each presentation will last 30 minutes, with 15 minutes left for questions and answers so you can get the insight and information that best suits you. You are also welcome to hop in and out of the sessions to attend the talks that most interest you. All you need to do is register and one link gets you access for the entire day!

We hope you will be able to join the LECP for this 2022's Long-Term Care Impact Day. See the full list of topics and speakers, and register below.